Who coined the phrase, "Don't Give Up" I want to talk to him or her. Tell him (probably was a him) that he ruined peoples live. Sometimes you have to give up, and "bloom where you are planted"
Imagine the would-be singer, who spends all of his/life trying to be a singer, but never makes it. How many years did she waste. How much did she agonize, when maybe she just should have appreciated what she had.
This is what I give up:
I give up my dream of running of half-marathon. For one thing, I am anemic. I get tired, and quick.
I will exercise though, run/walk, but will stop beating myself up because I can't run 13 miles at a time. I give up!
I give up getting over my fear of flying. If I never fly anyplace else, then I will never fly any place else. I am tired of struggling with my flying. I tried; I went to counseling, but to no avail. I don't know what else I can do. I will drive or be driven places, but will not fly unless absolutely necessary.
I GIVE UP MY making a living with my publishing company. I will still write of course because thats who I am. But I WILL NOT stress about making it my full time job and selling stuff. It just doesnt work and I am not going to make it work. This is the biggest relief.
I GIVE UP thinking I am going to get those two jobs. I am TIRED of stressing about it. YOU here me. I AM SCREAMING FROM THE ROOF TOP: I am letting this go. I am going to focus on making the best of this job...as best as I can. With no expectation but to do a good job whether no one notices or not. I will be thankful for this job that I have. Making the best of this job and being glad that it is over in August.